Saturday, April 5, 2008

I AM an American Gladiator...

...or, I felt like one for a minute. My friend McWayne was kind enough to invite me to take a stab at his inflatable human hamster ball thing, and in an instant I imagined myself weaving in and out of muscled people dressed in patriotic spandex playing Atlasphere. Here's a little taste:

I have another funny video of me jumping in the ball on the trampoline but I can't figure out how to rotate the video so that it'll be right side up. Anyone have any insight on that? If so, I'll post it. Until then, here's me peeking out of one of the entrance holes.

And McWayne, the one to thank for the fun between-conference-sessions activity.
Speaking of using my muscles, my roommate Jenny and I helped do some demolition on a house that our bishop is renovating. I won't lie... it's fun to destroy things with a pitchfork.

Still job hunting. I'll update you when I have more on that.


Bonny said...

I think I might be too claustrophobic (sp?) for those bubble things. but...maybe not now that I've seen how big the opening is. Enjoyed the video!

What would your gladiator name be? pizazz? just kidding, i dont know.

Anonymous said...

I've ridden in one of those before, but it was filled with water. For your gladiator name, I'm thinking one of three. Riot, Kharma, or Ivory. Seeing what you've done with the rake, I'd fear to fight you in Joust!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and there should be an option for you if you right-click on the video file to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise. If not, you may have to look in your camera for the option and reload the video.

Anonymous said...

That ball looks so fun and I am quite a bit jealous that I don't have one!!