Saturday, March 8, 2008

Look out, Ringling Brothers

I submit for your consideration: The Bunny Hat.

This week proves to be one of the more stressful of my adult life as I finalize preparations for the Easter Egg Hunt that the agency I work for is holding for the families we service. The Hunt involves games, eggs, candy, face painting, and, incidentally, balloon animals. Because the task of organizing the event fell to me and I didn't have anyone solidly committed to make balloon animals for the event, I decided to buy some balloons and learn the, uh, craft for myself.

Thanks to some help I spent about an hour this afternoon practicing some simple creations that I can crank out fairly quickly to small children this Saturday. However, I seem to have an unfortunate inability to judge how much balloon I need to use, and consequently my animals all have a tendency to have a disproportionately large tail.

After some frustration I abandoned trying to create the back half of any animal at all, and wa-law, the Bunny Hat was born. There is one problem upon trying to remove the hat...

Wish me luck this week! And if any of you happen to have any connections to large amounts of breakfast pastries for no cost, please let me know.


Bonny said...

as i read this post i was thinking about how great your resume will look after this. ha ha.

but seriously...I'll email you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you worked at my job, you'd have a job for life. Every week, someone's having a birthday, even when no one is we're having cake. And what goes well with a party than balloon hats that look like bunnies? Maybe if they were monkeys, yes, but bunnies! Come on. That's a skill that gives you friends for life. And that's better than the ones I make. I make snakes.

And hey, educational products too! You can teach all the kids about static electricity and the anatomy of bunnies. Not sure about pastry help How many did you need?

Katey said...

Wa-law the bunny hat was it. I hope that you survive this week in preparation for the big event. I'm so glad you've mastered that ballon art. Best of Luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Very impressive. I wish I could make bunny hats.

Jake said...

Haley Sue - you got skills!