Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Coming up for air

Hey readers... sorry I've been slacking on the posting. Here's a quick summary, and I hope to have more detailed and entertaining things to say again soon:

- Wrapping up loose ends at my job and it's making me grumpy.
- New job options are opening and look promising.
- New church calling is more time-consuming than I'd prefer.
- Can check "speed dating" off my list of things to do in my lifetime.
- Hair is now less dramatic and more like me (apologies, my hair dresser... I promise, it's nothing personal).

Since I've failed to provide you anything original to laugh at this time around, try this out for size until I can get back to you.


Robin said...

Ha! I was just thinking about this music video today, and wondering if I should post it, or at least email it to the group. Glad to see you've got it covered! It kills me. One important question: at the end, when they're waving to the couple driving off into the galaxy, what do they have in their plastic bags? Snacks?

Jenni said...

Oh Haley you make me chortle with glee! Your whole blog is hilarious, I'm so glad that I stumbled upon it! Thanks for making me smile and Kyler dance . . .yes I'm almost ashamed to admit that my boy was grooving to the music video!

~Jenni Hogman

Amanda E. said...

Wow, that was great. In a really crappy sort of way. *laugh* Here's another one in the "love in space" vein, though it has a bit higher production value. A warning to our sensitive viewers, there are some naked statues in it:

Anonymous said...

I think I saw my mom in that video. I found you a link for possible jobs when you get a sec, and now I need to hear the speed dating story. Write back soon!

Katey said...

That video is insanely ridiculous, yet hilarious. :)

Matt and Jenny said...

Speed dating? I didn't know you could actually do that. You'll definitely have to give us the scoop on that one. And since you most likely found your eternal companion, what's he like? Tall, dark and handsome?