Sunday, February 17, 2008

Harry Carey?

Can you believe I've lived my whole Mormon life without having ever seen Saturday's Warrior until tonight? My verdict: I could have gone a couple more lifetimes without it. The part that I found the most ridiculous (I know, it's hard to pick a favorite) is that of all the things that Jimmy's friends could be using their influence to pressure him about, they've chosen world overpopulation. I certainly know it was a hot topic at my school, so much that alongside the D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. programs (if you've never heard of the latter, it's because you didn't grow up in Rose Park), there was S.N.O.O.T.: Say No to Opinions about Obscure Topics. Sheesh.
Neither here nor there. First, bowling. I'm bad at it, but was convinced to go last night. Here are some pics. I think of our two games I topped out at near 80.

Second, I spent two and a half hours at a salon yesterday morning having this done to my hair:

Love the cut, don't love the color. I know it doesn't look bad, it just looks unnatural on me. For some reason such obvious and unnatural-looking highlights imply a certain amount of high-maintainance-ness to my personality, which I don't appreciate. Consequently, I will be doing something to remedy the blonde tomorrow. Here's hoping it turns out okay; I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your remedy tomorrow. I mailed you back with photos of my hair choices. Yours does look nice like that though. :) Oh, check out my stuff from the Women's Art Center.

Charlotta-love said...

This blog is not the ordinary.
humorously extraordinary.
Ready regularly harry carry,
In my blogger way.

Bonny said...

nice song charlotte. I can't count how many times i've seen saturdays warrior. I'm particulary ashamed of the airport song and dance ... "doesn't morning wait for the sun to rise like a burger waits for an order of fries?"

I think your hair looks awesome and I think I'm too late to change your mind about the color. You shoulda kept it.

Jake said...

I think your hair looks nice. Plus, was that Bust's shiny noggin' behind that bowling ball?
Congrats on getting him out of the house.

Last time I went bowling, I was lucky to breach 100. It made me hurt, but then I remembered that I don't generally score very well at sports - especially not in the 80s or 90s or 100s. I think bowling is the game that I score the most in. (golf comes in second - basketball third... then maybe football - I think I scored a touchdown, once). So if you think of it in those terms, an 80 is actually quite good.

Amanda E. said...

Dude, GREAT was... awesome. :P Well, going to Lagoon at the end was, anyway.

Are you really in WVC? If so, we should catch up sometime. If I remember correctly, the last time we got together I slipped some guy my number. That won't happen again. Or maybe I'm misremembering. Not the slipping the guy my number thing; about being with you. But you inspire wackiness in me so I'm thinking it was.

Wendy said...

I saw Saturday's Warrior once when I was 10--so dumb. Never wanna see it again.

Katey said...

Saturday's Warrior...ah the memories. Maybe we should could watch that on our feel bad about your life church movie night. Just to end on a good note ya know!

I sure had a great time bowling with your Haley...Even if you the scores weren't high. :)

Anonymous said...

You're in BIG TROUBLE!!! Anyone who spends 2 1/2 hours and $$$.00 on thier hair should really know that the stylist who colored it would be more than willing to "fix" it to make it just right for you!!! If you haven't done your own fixing, call me!!

I'm new to this blogging thing-I found you on a link ,from a link, to a link!! Fun stuff!!
Love From, The "Willing to Make your Hair Happy, Hair Stylist"