Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Sweet Baboo

Happy Valentines Day. Here's some cookies I made for a service project last night:

Also here's the valentine I'll be giving my co-workers tomorrow. I won't claim it as my original idea; in fact, I stole it from some girls on my mission. But I love the fact that you can slap the band-aid on yourself anywhere and be wearing a valentine all day long!

I know it's the cool thing to hate Valentine's Day if you're single, but I don't really anymore. People are in love, that's great. In truth, it's probably the ONLY day of the year that when I see public displays of affection that I don't want to punch people in the neck.


Robin said...

Your cookies look professional!
I have never really hated Valentine's Day either, and I really don't like when people call it S.A.D., but I guess when I'm in a blah mood already it's easy to take it out on Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm single and I don't hate it. I just don't get to participate. I wish I had a cookie now, feeling like Pam from "The Office." Happy V-Day Haley!

Anonymous said...

That band-aid valentine is a great idea. I think I'll have to steal it sometime. And great looking cookies! I'm always impressed with good sugar cookies because they take so much work that I'll rarely make them.

Bonny said...

awesome cookies. glad you don't hate v-day.

Anonymous said...

Of all the places to punch some one why would you choose the neck?

Haley said...

...because people are always foolishly guarding their face and vital organs. They'd never see it coming.

Anonymous said...

The neck it is.

Katey said...

Now I have seen the "said" sugar cookies! ;)