Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jagged little pills

Lessons I've recently learned in the continuing evolution of myself:

- I really am a very independent person.
- Independence is a sneaky form of pride; like many virtues, too much of it becomes a vice.
- Independence is a very hard habit to kick when in vice-form.
- Dependence is even harder for me to forgive in others.
- I don't like being defaulted to for decision-making purposes, just because I'm not afraid make decisions.
- I sometimes hold people to impossibly high expectations.
- I shouldn't.
- I also shouldn't blog when I'm tired.

Apologies to anyone harmed in the making of this person.


Jentry said...

We are the same Haley dearest.

Erin said...

I want to hate you but I can't....

Sherri said...

I absolutely love reading your blog. It always makes me smile. I wish I could express msyelf the way you do!

Leon said...

OK this time I started singing. Yes. Singing. Alanis. And I love your posts, especially your tired posts, and's tired in here!

Jentry said...

So I've been thinking about your post for awhile now. And I'lm going to pass on a lesson that Cheryl Johnson once taught me. The concept of shawdow leadership. Teach people how to lead and then give them the opportunity. Start with very small decisions and then guide them into being in charge. Of course I have no idea what your situation is, but that lesson has really helped me in a lot of situations and maybe it can help you.